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The Connect Property Management team is here to help you!
We successfully manage rental communities around the area and have a well trained and trustworthy group of staff to ensure that everything runs smoothly. With this team, we can help you reach the goals you desire for your rental property. We tailor our services to meet the needs of our individual clients, and properties. You can have peace of mind that all items, from large to small, are being handled efficiently and effectively. We understand challenges that come along with property management and are able to handle issues and find a solution that works for all involved.
It goes without saying that a well-trained property management team has the most up-to-date knowledge of landlord-tenant laws and best practices. At Connect Property Management, our team is continuously involved in education & on-going training so that our staff has current knowledge of what is changing in the rental market. The net result keeps both tenants and property owners happy. Our staff at Connect is fluent in the rental market conditions and can provide you input and guidance on questions and concerns you might have. We would love to meet with you to discuss your perspective, and how we can deliver unparalleled service to meet your goals and objectives.
Property Manager &
Associate Broker:
Kellie Krumwiede

Our Team:
Christa Wolner....................... Broker
Kellie Krumwiede.................. Broker /Prop. Manager
Cori Haala................................. Property Manager
Corey Johnson....................... Property Manager
Shelly Dahm.............................Property Manager
Melanie Born............................Property Manager
Megan Mosenden.................Office Manager
Irene Leiferman.....................Administrative Assistant
Kayla Shadle...........................Accounting Assistant
John Paulson.......................... Maintenance
David Konakowitz ............... Maintenance
Clayton Jones.........................Maintenance
Kevin Kuck................................Maintenance
Kevin Heminover...................Maintenance
Caleb Haala..............................Maintenance
Allie Lyons..................................Site Manager
Sierra Weaver......................... Site Manager
Alexis Telthoser......................Site Cleaning

Own a Rental Property? Let us help!
Effective & professional management. We offer a wide range of services to suit your needs to for all your rental properties. By combining the owner's goals and objectives with property management expertise we can take the burden off your shoulders! Our property management goal is simply put…maximize our client’s wealth through expert management of real estate.
Our management company provides first class residential real estate services to the Southern MN area.
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